Famous photo


It is hard to give an accurate time period for this photo due to their only being two people in it and there being a plain background. The clothes warn by both the people in the photo look fairly modern and the quality of the photo seems fairly modern. It is hard to give a location for this photo as it could be taken in any urban landscape around the world. Our eyes in the photo are drawn to the fact that these two people are seen bending over something on the floor. Upon further inspection we can see that they are picking up paper of the floor and it appears to be a photo of someone helping someone else who has just dropped some paper. Both subjects in the photo do not appear to be aware that they are having their photo taken.  I believe the photographer wanted to highlight how people go out of their way to help others even on a small scale.


This photo is the first of I’m sure many I will take whilst at Lincoln. The brief was to take a photo of another photo. I chose this advertisement in sports direct as I found it vibrant with bright colours and eye catching.  The boots are in centre frame as to draw the viewers attention. The arrangement of the boots infers a falling motion which can infer the view of success and raining money. The image is designed to make the viewer want and desire the football boots through further research of the shoes I found out that Nike use professional footballers to help advertise these shoes.


